Private French Tuition
French Classes
Bonjour Institute can offer online Private French Tuition to you, whether you are based in Nairobi or elsewhere in the world. Are you a busy person with an unpredictable schedule? Do you travel a lot? If yes, we offer you the chance to learn French online on Zoom wherever you are in the world, at a time of your convenience. This also means that you never have to deal with traffic or parking issues when trying to go for a French class, thus saving you a lot of time and money.

Online Class On Zoom
$26 Per Class
Beginners/Intermediate Book
$52 Per Book
Advanced Book
$54 Per Book
Years Of Experience

More On Payments
Depending on your location and intended class time (refer to the Fees’ Structure), you can pay for your class via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card: (Minimum payment- 8 Classes. If you are a new student please include payment for the text book). Before payment, please Contact Us to confirm availability of your desired hours.